Drop Off and Pickup Procedures
**Please use the correct entrance and exit when arriving on campus during open hours.** DO NOT PARK IN THE CHURCH LOT.
Drop Off
Students in grades K-6 can be dropped off between 7:45 and 8:00AM on the outer or inner curbs. Students dropped off at the outer curb MUST cross at the crosswalk. Students may not walk without an adult through the school parking lot.
You may also choose to walk your student to the gate, but please refrain from lingering.
Students in preschool must walk in and sign student(s) in.
Pick Up
Walk Up
- Parents may park and walk up to the gate for pick-up. Please remain outside of the gate and form a line so our staff can call for your student(s) to come out.
- If you walk up to pick up, please be ready to show your sign with student(s) last name and grade level.
Pick Up Line
- All cars MUST have a clear sign with LAST NAME(S) and GRADE LEVEL(S) of the student(s) riding in your car. **Please display the student name sign in your front window.**
- Students who walk home may leave at dismissal time, but you must provide a signed permission form to have on file in the front office as well as to go to your student's teachers.
- Please note if you are picking up a preschooler in the pick-up line you MUST use the innermost drive-thru lane (closest to the school).